Film & Game Reviews

Please make sure you write the Name of Film or Game, include the Director and Main Characters or Company who made the game.

Saturday 25 April 2009

alvin and the chipmunks (movie)

Alvin and the chipmunks is a hilarious, hugely funny film. If you are in a bad mood watch Alvin and the chipmunks. There are three chipmunks they are called Alvin, Theodore and Simon, funny enough they TALKKKKKKKKK. They are children and they are on for an adventure of there life time but sooooo funny .

Thursday 19 March 2009

Call Of Duty.

Call Of Duty ( C.O.D) is the best game ever!!!! at the moment i play C.O.D 4 alot but C.O.D 5 is still very good as its based around WW2.
C.O.D 6 is coming out soon and im gonna enjoy it man!!!

Thursday 12 March 2009

Ratchet And Clank: Tools Of Destruction

Ratchet and Clank are back with their new game 'Tools Of Destruction'. You have to travel round these outer space worlds to destrot the evil . On the way you pick up some weapons which help you destroy his evil minions.

This is at its highest of imagination created by . I recommend it to any one who has the chance!!!!!

Ratchet and clank TOOLS OF DESTRUCTION!!

David Rosenbaum

Thursday 5 March 2009

Hotel For Dogs Was Awesome!

A few weeks ago I went to See Hotel For Dogs...
Hotel for dogs stars Jake t Austin, Emma Roberts and loads of other people
Plus it stars like 106789564 million dogs OMG!
The dogs are sooooooooooooooooo CUTE!
The film is directed by .... i don't no that
The film was amazing i really really really recommend it
don't laze around at home go see it pepolz!
Bye, from Hannah x

Friday 20 February 2009

Little Big Planet

Little Big Planet is a planet full of your dreams!
when you play this game you can dress up as what you want, move however you want and its not just story mode you can play you can also go online and play created levels made by people around the world. Make your own level and experience the wonders of your dream level being played by many people! You can only get Little Big Planet on PS3 so get it now and dream up yourself an awesome game! This game is made by a company called Media Molecule!

David R

Friday 6 February 2009

Guitar Hero 3 Legend of rock 12

I am writing about guitar hero 3 and it is a really good family game. But if year 3 and 4 would want to have a go,you might not like it, its really for Year 5 and 6 but if you guys want to have a go go on try it its really good.

Your actually thinking your on stage playing your dong on the real GUITAR its amazing. When you've done that try doing rock band its very good, but i wont tell you about that yet you will have to wait and see.

Thank you.

Thursday 5 February 2009

Film review - Twilight

Twilight is a film (obviously). It is about a normal 17 year old girl in high school who falls in love with a vampire, Edward Cullen. She is irrevocably in love with him. She goes for a baseball game with Edward and her family. When James, Victoria and this other bloke (i don't know his name lol) interrupts and James is a tracker. The wind blows and smells that Bella is a human. Because her sent is so addictive and now tries to kill Bella by sucking all her blood out but that's NOT okay Edward and his family............... She survives and goes to the school prom with Edward. See the film and by the books. or .

By for now

Olivia xx
hello my name is delilah my fav film is a hard question because i love films
but i would have to say the dark night and across the universe if u havnt seen them u so should thereamazing but thats what i think u might not but im sure you will.
dark night- dark night is batman it has amazing action and it makes you jump right out of your seat it is ascary but fun and amazing film at first it is a bit hard to understand but i you will get it take my word and if your going to see it remember this note:SMILE or else jks
across the universe- is like mama mia in a way it is set in the 60s with beatle songs to go along withe the story it is an amazing film were u can learn a lot whilst havin an amazing sight in front of them.

Fifa 09 ps3 3+

Fifa 09 is an absolutely AMAZING game! You can choose any football team you want and play as them. You can choose your team. On fifa 09 there is something called adidas live season and you update it and you can choose from all different leagues and use the updates to see if your teams rating has gone up or down. When playing it has really great graphics and you pass yourself, shoot yourself, throw yourself, change player yourself and change the team yourself but it's not that great because you do have to do it all on the remote control.

Hope you get fifa 09!

PGR 4 (Xbox360)

Pgr 4 is a good game it is a racing, if you select career mode you can buy cars and race them
you can't roam around the city thats the only disapointing part.
The age rating is 3+.
I think mostly people who are addicted to racing games will like this game.
You won't be let down if you buy the game.

Joshua Levenson-Garratt

Lego Batman XBOX 360 7+

Lego Batman is an adventurous game and year 3 and 4 would love this game. but also if year 6 would like to play this game go ahead case this is a fun game. Some of the levels are easy but some of the levels are hard, but dont give up because you need to use your brain to figure it out.



Wednesday 28 January 2009

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